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Dispelling stasis and quickening the blood
祛瘀活血 〔袪瘀活血〕qū yū huó xuè
Also quickening the blood and transforming stasis; quickening the blood and dispelling stasis; transforming stasis and moving the blood; eliminating stasis and engendering the new; quickening the blood and engendering the new; dispersing blood. A method of treatment used to restore normal movement of the blood by eliminating blood stasis. On the basis of the power of action, distinction can be made between quickening the blood, transforming stasis, and breaking blood.
Quickening the blood is the mildest action and is performed with medicinals such as salvia (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix,
Transforming stasis is a stronger action performed with medicinals such as peach kernel (Persicae Semen,
Breaking blood is the most drastic of all stasis dispelling medicinals used to treat enduring amenorrhea and abdominal massesand is performed with medicinals such as leech (Hirudo,
Blood-quickening stasis-transforming medicinals belonging to the category of chong products (worms, insects, reptiles) are often used for enduring pain entering the network vessels.
Formulas have different applications:
Origin-Restorative Blood-Quickening Decoction ( is effective for knocks and falls.复元活血汤 fù yuán huó xuè tāng)-
Peach Kernel and Carthamus Four Agents Decoction ( is used to quicken the blood and regulate menstruation.桃红四物汤 táo hóng sì wù tāng) Sudden Smile Powder ( quickens the blood and relieves pain.失笑散 shī xiào sǎn)-
Seven Pinches Powder ( dispels stasis and disperses swelling in the treatment of external injuries.七厘散 qī lí sǎn)Turtle Shell Decocted Pill ( is effective in dispersing masses.鳖甲煎丸 biē jiǎ jiān wán) -
Generalized Pain Stasis-Expelling Decoction ( and身痛逐瘀汤 shēn tòng zhú yū tāng)Fixed Impediment Empirical Formula ( treat impediment (bì) patterns characterized by着痹验方 zhuó bì yàn fāng)enduring pain entering the network vessels.
Specific forms of dispelling stasis and quickening the blood include dispelling stasis and dispersing swelling; warming and transforming static blood; dispersing concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, and gatherings; and dispelling stasis and stanching bleeding.
Acumoxatherapy: Select points such as
Point selection according to affected area: On the upper limbs, add
Stasis-Dispelling Blood-Quickening Medicinals
川芎 (chuān xiōng) chuanxiong (Chuanxiong Rhizoma)乳香 (rǔ xiāng) frankincense (Olibanum)没药 (mò yào) myrrh (Myrrha)生没药 (shēng mò yào) raw myrrh (Myrrha Cruda)延胡索 (yán hú suǒ) corydalis (Corydalis Rhizoma)郁金 (yù jīn) curcuma (Curcumae Radix)姜黄 (jiāng huáng) turmeric (Curcumae Longae Rhizoma)莪朮 (é zhú) zedoary (Curcumae Rhizoma)三棱 (sān léng) sparganium (Sparganii Rhizoma)丹参 (dān shēn) salvia (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix)虎杖 (hǔ zhàng) bushy knotweed (Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma)益母草 (yì mǔ cǎo) leonurus (Leonuri Herba)茺蔚子 (chōng wèi zǐ) leonurus fruit (Leonuri Fructus)鸡血藤 (jī xuè téng) spatholobus (Spatholobi Caulis)桃仁 (táo rén) peach kernel (Persicae Semen)红花 (hóng huā) carthamus (Carthami Flos)藏红花 (zàng hóng huā) saffron (Croci Stigma)五灵脂 (wǔ líng zhī) flying squirrel’s droppings (Trogopteri Faeces)牛膝 (niú xī) achyranthes (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix)土牛膝 (tǔ niú xī) native achyranthes (Achyranthis Radix)穿山甲 (chuān shān jiǎ) pangolin scales (Manitis Squama)蟅虫 (zhè chóng) ground beetle (Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga)水蛭 (shuǐ zhì) leech (Hirudo)虻虫 (méng chóng) tabanus(Tabanus)降真香 (jiàng zhēn xiāng) dalbergia (Dalbergiae Odiferae Lignum)泽兰 (zélán) lycopus (Lycopi Herba)月季花 (yuè jì huā) Chinatea rose (Rosae Chinensis Flos)凌霄花 (líng xiāo huā) campsisflower (Campsis Flos)自然铜 (zì rán tóng) pyrite (Pyritum)王不留行 (wáng bù liú xíng) vaccaria (Vaccariae Semen)刘寄奴 (liú jì nú) anomalous artemisia (Artemisiae Anomalae Herba)苏木 (sū mù) sappan (Sappan Lignum)干漆 (gān qī) lacquer (Toxicodendri Resina)毛冬青 (máo dōng qīng) hairy holly root (Ilicis Pubescentis Radix)马鞭草 (mǎ biān cǎo) verbena (Verbenae Herba (cumRadice))积雪草 (jī xuě cǎo) centella (Centellae Herba)石见穿 (shí jiàn chuān) Chinese sage (Salviae Chinensis Herba)夜明砂 (yè míng shā) bat’s droppings (Verspertilionis Faeces)鬼箭羽 (guǐ jiàn yǔ) spindle tree wings (Euonymi Ramulus)蜣螂 (qiāng láng) dung beetle (Catharsius)