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Drying dampness and transforming phlegm
燥湿化痰 〔燥濕化痰〕zào rè huà tán
Also fortifying the spleen and transforming phlegm. A method of treatment used to address damp phlegm arising when devitalization of spleen yáng results in impairment of normal movement and transformation, characterized by white easily expectorated phlegm, oppression in the chest and nausea, slimy glossy white tongue, and in some cases dizziness and heart palpitation.
Medicinal therapy: Dampness-drying phlegm-transforming formulas include
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on ST and CV. Main points: Select CV-12 (Center Stomach Duct, 中脘 zhōng wǎn), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), and ST-40 (Bountiful Bulge, 丰隆 fēng lóng); needle with even supplementation and drainage and add moxa.
Point selection according to signs: For oppression in the chest, add CV-17 (Chest Center, 膻中 shān zhōng), CV-22 (Celestial Chimney, 天突 tiān tú), and LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ). For nausea, PC-6 (Inner Pass, 内关 nèi guān), ST-25 (Celestial Pivot, 天枢 tiān shū), and CV-6 (Sea of Qì, 气海 qì hǎi). For dizzy head, add ST-8 (Head Corner, 头维 tóu wéi) and ST-41 (Ravine Divide, 解溪 jiě xī). For heart palpitation, add HT-7 (Spirit Gate, 神门 shén mén), PC-6 (Inner Pass, 内关 nèi guān), BL-15 (Heart Transport, 心俞 xīn shù), and CV-6 (Sea of Qì, 气海 qì hǎi).
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