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CV-22 Celestial Chimney
天突 〔天突〕tiān tú
Alternate names: 天瞿 tiān jú, Celestial Mu; 玉户 yù hù, Jade Door
Channel: CV, Controlling (rèn) Vessel
Modern location: An acupoint located on the chest, immediately superior to the suprasternal notch on the midline.
Classic location: One cùn above Jade Pivot (CV-21). (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)
Local anatomy: Superficially, the jugular arch and the branch of the inferior thyroid artery; deeper, the trachea; inferiorly, at the posterior aspect of the sternum, the innominate vein and aortic arch.
Action: Diffuses the lung and transforms phlegm; disinhibits the pharynx and restores the voice.
Modern indications: Cough; panting; chest pain; painful swollen throat;
Classic indications: Fulminant panting and
Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.0 cùn downward oblique insertion following along the inner surface of the sternum. Moxa: 3‒5 cones; pole 5‒20 min.
Needle sensation: Heaviness extending downward along the posterior aspect of the sternum.
Warning: Perpendicular insertion is contraindicated to avoid damage to the trachea.
Point groups: Intersection point (jiāo huì xué) of the conception and yīn linking vessel (yīn wéi mài)s.
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