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Plum-pit qì
梅核气 〔梅核氣〕méi hé qì
Also qì phlegm. Also Dryness and a sensation of a foreign body present in the throat which can be neither swallowed or ejected. The intensity of the signs fluctuates. The main cause is depressed liver qì.
Biomedical correspondence: globus hystericus.
Medicinal therapy: Course the liver and rectify qì. Use
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on CV, LI, and PC. Select CV-22 (Celestial Chimney, 天突 tiān tú), CV-17 (Chest Center, 膻中 shān zhōng), LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ), and PC-5 (Intermediary Courier, 间使 jiān shǐ); needle with even supplementation and drainage and add moxa. For depressed qì, add BL-18 (Liver Transport, 肝俞 gān shù), LR-2 (Moving Between, 行间 xíng jiān), and GB-34 (Yáng Mound Spring, 阳陵泉 yáng líng quán).
Point selection according to signs: For glomus and oppression in the chest and stomach duct, add PC-6 (Inner Pass, 内关 nèi guān), CV-12 (Center Stomach Duct, 中脘 zhōng wǎn), and BL-17 (Diaphragm Transport, 膈俞 gé shù). For stagnant phlegm in the throat, add ST-40 (Bountiful Bulge, 丰隆 fēng lóng), and BL-20 (Spleen Transport, 脾俞 pí shù); needle with drainage. For hiccup or nausea, add CV-12 (Center Stomach Duct, 中脘 zhōng wǎn), PC-6 (Inner Pass, 内关 nèi guān), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), and BL-17 (Diaphragm Transport, 膈俞 gé shù).
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