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BL-18 Liver Transport
肝俞 〔肝俞〕gān shù
Channel: BL, Foot Greater Yáng (tài yáng) Bladder Channel
Modern location: An acupoint located on the back, level with the inferior border of the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cùn lateral to the midline.
Classic location: One cùn and five fēn either side of the spine, below the ninth vertebra. The point is found in straight sitting posture. (Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng)
Local anatomy: Medial branches of the posterior branches of the intercostal artery and vein. Medial cutaneous branches of the posterior rami of the 9th and 10th thoracic nerves; deeper, their lateral branches.
Action: Supplements provisioning-blood; disperses stasis; dispels liver-gallbladder damp-heat; stabilizes the mind and brightens the eyes.
Modern indications: Jaundice; rib-side pain;
Classic indications: Painful accumulations, gatherings and glomus; cough causing acute pain in the chest and rib-side; nosebleed; smaller abdominal pain; shortness of breath.
Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5 cùn downward oblique insertion. Moxa: 3‒7 cones; pole 20‒30 min.
Needle sensation: Distension and numbness spreading downward or forward along the ribs.
Point groups: Transport point (shù xué) of the liver.
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