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ST-36 Leg Three Lǐ

足三里 〔足三里〕zú sān lǐ

Alternate names: 鬼邪 guǐ xié, Ghost Evil; 三里(足) sān lǐ zú, Three Li (leg); 下陵 xià líng, Lower Mound; 下陵三里 xià líng sān lǐ, Lower Mound Three Li; 下气海 xià qì hǎi, Lower Sea of Qi; 下三里 xià sān lǐ, Lower Three Li; 下虚三里 xià xū sān lǐ, Lower Hollow Three Li; 足阳明所入 zú yáng míng suǒ rù,

Channel: ST, Foot Yáng Brightness (yáng míng) Stomach Channel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the anterior aspect of the lower leg, 3 cùn inferior to ST-35, about one fingerbreadth lateral to the tibia.

Classic location: Three body cùn below the knee, on the outer side of the shinbone and in the inner side of the big sinew. Located with the leg raised, the point is where the flesh divides between two sinews; when extreme pressure is applied at pulse at the Ravine Divide (ST-41) ceases. (Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng)

Local anatomy: The anterior tibial artery and vein. Superficially, the lateral sural cutaneous nerve and the cutaneous branch of the saphenous nerve; deeper, the deep peroneal nerve.

Action: Rectifies the spleen and stomach; regulates center qì; harmonizes the intestines and disperses stagnation; breaks blood stasis in the chest; courses wind and transforms dampness; frees and regulates qì and blood of the channels; supports right and banks up the origin; dispels evil and prevents disease.

Modern indications: Stomach pain; retching and vomiting; dysphagia-occlusion (yē gé); abdominal distension; diarrhea; dysentery; constipation; mammary welling-abscess (rǔ yōng); intestinal welling-abscess (cháng yōng); paralysis of the lower limbs; water swelling; mania and withdrawal; leg qì (jiǎo qì, beriberi); vacuity taxation with marked emaciation.

Classic indications: Distension, fullness, and pain in the stomach duct; abdominal pain; sudden turmoil (cholera); stoppage of the diaphragm and throat; inability to get food and drink down; deviated mouth; eye disease; throat impediment (hóu bì); heat effusion; enuresis; swelling of the feet; rumbling intestines; heavy-headedness and pain in the forehead at the outset of febrile disease; vexation and oppression and generalized heat effusion; inhibited urination; smaller abdominal swelling and pain; propping fullness in the chest and rib-side.

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.5 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 3‒7 cones; pole 5‒20 min.

Needle sensation: Localized distension and numbness, sometimes extending along the channel to the foot or the abdomen.

Point groups: Uniting () (earth) point; command point (sì zǒng xué) of the abdomen; one of the nine needles for returning yáng; one of Mǎ Dān-Yáng's twelve heavenly star points.

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