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ST-25 Celestial Pivot

天枢 〔天樞〕tiān shū

Alternate names: 补元 bǔ yuán, Origin Supplementer; 长谷 cháng gǔ, Long Grain; 长鸡 cháng jī, Long Chicken; 长维 cháng wéi, Long Link; 长溪 cháng xī, Long Ravine; 大肠募 dà cháng mù, Large Intestine Alarm; 谷门 gǔ mén, Valley Gate; 循际 xún jì, Cycle Border

Channel: ST, Foot Yáng Brightness (yáng míng) Stomach Channel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the abdomen, level with the center of the umbilicus, 2 cùn lateral to the midline.

Classic location: One cùn below Slippery Flesh Gate (ST-24), in the depression two cùn lateral to the center of the navel. (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)

Local anatomy: Branches of the 10th intercostal and inferior epigastric arteries and veins.

Action: Restores upward and downward bearing of qì dynamic; courses and regulates the large intestine; fortifies the spleen and transforms dampness.

Modern indications: Abdominal distension; rumbling intestines; pain round the umbilicus; constipation; diarrhea; dysentery; menstrual irregularities; concretions and conglomerations.

Classic indications: Strangury-turbidity (lìn zhuó); infertility; severe heat with raving; umbilical mounting (qí shàn) with localized pain sometimes surging up into the heart; qì mounting (qì shàn); retching; facial swelling; running piglet (bēn tún); nontransformation of grain and water (undigested food in the stool); generalized swelling; uterine pain; inhibited urination; sudden turmoil (cholera); persistent diarrhea; frequent defecation.

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.2 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 7‒15 cones; pole 10‒20 min.

Point groups: Alarm point (mù xué) of the large intestine.

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