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Qì mounting

气疝 〔氣疝〕qì shàn

1. A mounting (shàn) disease mentioned in the The Origin and Indicators of Disease (诸病源候论 zhū bìng yuán hòu lùn, jí huáng hòu), characterized by abdominal pain of varying intensity arising from blockage of qì dynamic from irregularities of diet or from excessive warmth or cold.

Medicinal therapy: Rectify qì using Litchee Pit and Fennel Powder (荔香散 lì xiāng sǎn).

Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on points of the CV and LR. Select CV-6 (Sea of Qì, 气海 qì hǎi), LR-2 (Moving Between, 行间 xíng jiān), LR-5 (Woodworm Canal, 蠡沟 lǐ gōu), LR-6 (Central Metropolis, 中都 zhōng dū), LR-3 (Supreme Surge, 太冲 tài chōng), and SP-6 (Three Yīn Intersection, 三阴交 sān yīn jiāo); needle with drainage.

2. Painful sagging of the scrotum attributed to qì depression.

Medicinal therapy: Course the liver and rectify qì with formulas such as Qì-Abducting Decoction (导气汤 dǎo qì tāng).

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