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Calming the liver and extinguishing wind
平肝熄风 〔平肝熄風〕píng gān xī fēng
Also settling the liver and extinguishing wind; subduing yáng and extinguishing wind. A method of treatment used to address ascendant liver yáng stirring internal wind with pulling pain in the head, dizziness, deviated eyes and mouth, numbness or tremor of the limbs, stiffening of the tongue, deviated trembling tongue, unclear speech, red tongue with thin fur, a stringlike pulse, and, in severe cases, clouding collapse, hypertonicity or convulsions of the limbs.
Medicinal therapy: Medicinals used include uncaria (Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis,
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on GV, GB, and LR. Needle with drainage at
See also extinguishing wind.
Liver-Calming Wind-Extinguishing Medicinals
羚羊角 (líng yáng jiǎo) antelope horn (Saigae Tataricae Cornu)山羊角 (shān yáng jiǎo) goral horn (Naemorhedi Goral Cornu)石决明 (shí jué míng) abalone shell (Haliotidis Concha)牡蛎 (mǔ lì) oyster shell (Ostreae Concha)生牡蛎 (shēng mǔ lì) crude oyster shell (Ostreae Concha Cruda)珍珠 (zhēn zhū) pearl (Margarita)珍珠母 (zhēn zhū mǔ) mother-of-pearl (Concha Margaritifera)玳瑁 (dài mào) hawksbill shell (Eretmochelydis Carapax)紫贝 (zǐ bèi) purple cowrie (Mauritiae, Erosariae seu Cypraeae Testa)代赭石 (dài zhě shí) hematite (Haematitum)钩藤 (gōu téng) uncaria (Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis)天麻 (tiān má) gastrodia (Gastrodiae Rhizoma)刺蒺藜 (cì jí lí) tribulus (Tribuli Fructus)决明子 (jué míng zǐ) fetid cassia (Cassiae Semen)黑大豆 (hēi dà dòu) black soybean (Sojae Semen Atrum)全蝎 (quán xiē) scorpion (Scorpio)蜈蚣 (wú gōng) centipede (Scolopendra)白僵蚕 (bái jiāng cán) silkworm (Bombyx Batryticatus)地龙 (dì lóng) earthworm (Pheretima)铁落 (tiě luò) iron flakes (Ferri Frusta)