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GV-20 Hundred Convergences
百会 〔百會〕bǎi huì
Alternate names: 巅上 diān shàng, Mountain Top; 岭上 lǐng shàng, Ridge Top; 岭上天满 lǐng shàng tiān mǎn, Ridge Top Celestial Fullness; 泥丸宫 ní wán gōng, Mud Ball Palace; 三阳 sān yáng, Three Yang; 三阳五会 sān yáng wǔ huì, Three Yang Fivefold Convergence; 天满 tiān mǎn, Celestial Fullness; 维会 wéi huì, Linking Convergence; 五会 wǔ huì, Fivefold Confluence
Channel: GV, Governing (dū) Vessel
Modern location: An acupoint located on the superior aspect of the head, 7 cùn above the posterior hairline and 5 cùn behind the anterior hairline on the midline.
Classic location: One cùn and five fēn directly above Behind the Vertex (GV-19), in the depression that is in line with the apexes of the ears. (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)
Local anatomy: The anastomotic network formed by the superficial temporal arteries and veins and the occipital arteries and veins of both side. The branch of the great occipital nerve.
Action: Subdues liver yáng and extinguishes liver wind; upbears yáng and stems desertion.
Modern indications: Headache; dizziness; loss of speech wind stroke; tinnitus; mania and withdrawal; prolapse of the rectum; yīn protrusion (prolapse of the uterus).
Classic indications: Fright palpitation; forgetfulness; epilepsy; deathlike reversal; deafness; wind dizziness and heavy-headedness; blindness; vertex headache; yīn protrusion (yīn protrusion (prolapse of the uterus)); hemorrhoidal disease; tetany; clenched jaw; hemiplegia;
Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.3 cùn backward transverse insertion. Moxa: 5‒7 cones; pole 5‒20 min.
Needle sensation: Localized distension with numbness or heaviness, extending to the forehead.
Point groups: Intersection point (jiāo huì xué) of the bladder channel and the governing vessel.
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