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GB-20 Wind Pool
风池 〔風池〕fēng chí
Alternate names: 热府 rè fǔ, House of Heat
Channel: GB, Foot Lesser Yáng (shào yáng) Gallbladder Channel
Modern location: An acupoint located on the posterior aspect of the neck, below the occipital bone, in the large depression between the trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid muscles.
Classic location: In the depression within the hairline behind the ear and the temple region, below Brain Hollow (GB-19). If the point is pressed [a sensation is] felt in the ear. (Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng)
Local anatomy: The branches of the occipital artery and vein. The branch of the lesser occipital nerve.
Action: Courses wind and clears heat; clears the head and opens the orifices; brightens the eyes and sharpens the hearing; frees the channels and quickens the network vessels; harmonizes qì and blood.
Modern indications: Headache; dizzy vision;
Classic indications:
Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.0 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 3‒7 cones; pole 5‒20 min.
Point groups: Intersection point (jiāo huì xué) of the gallbladder channel and yáng linking vessel (yáng wéi mài) and yáng springing vessel (yáng qiāo mài).
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