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KI-1 Gushing Spring
涌泉 〔湧泉〕yǒng quán
Alternate names: 地冲 dì chōng, Earth Surge; 地冲 dì chōng, Earth Thoroughfare; 蹶心 jué xīn, Stumbling Heart; 阴谷 yīn gǔ, Yin Valley; 足少阴合 zú shào yīn hé, Foot Lesser Yin Union; 足少阴所出 zú shào yīn suǒ chū, ; 足下中央之脉 zú xià zhōng yāng zhī mài, Vessel in the Center of the Sole
Channel: KI, Foot Lesser Yīn (shào yīn) Kidney Channel
Modern location: An acupoint located on the inferior aspect of the foot, on a line drawn along the length of the foot roughly midway between the big and little toes, slightly posterior to the ball of the foot (about one third of the distance from the base of the toes to the posterior aspect of the heel).
Classic location: In the depression in the heart of the sole, as felt when the leg is stretched, the foot bent and the toes curled. (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)
Local anatomy: At the deep level, the plantar arch. The 2nd common plantar digital nerve.
Action: Supplements they kidney and regulates stool; calms the liver and extinguishes wind; rouses the brain.
Modern indications: Headache; clouded head; insomnia; dizzy vision; painful swollen throat; loss of voice; constipation; inhibited urination; child fright wind; mania and withdrawal; clouding reversal.
Classic indications: Black facial complexion; susceptibility to fear; forgetfulness; irascibility; throat impediment (hóu bì); swollen pharynx;
Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.3‒0.5 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 3 cones; pole 5‒15 min.
Needle sensation: Localized pain and distension.
Point groups: Well (jǐng) (wood) point; one of the nine needles for returning yáng.
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