A method of treatment used to address cough and expectoration of phlegm using phlegm-transforming medicinals.
Phlegm-transforming medicinals that are warm in nature and indicated for cold phlegm and damp phlegm include white mustard (Sinapis Alba Semen, 白芥子bái jiè zǐ)8, arisaema (Arisaematis Rhizoma, 天南星tiān nán xīng), pinellia (Pinelliae Rhizoma, 半夏bàn xià), perilla seed (Perillae Semen, 苏子sū zǐ), perilla seed (Perillae Fructus, 紫苏子zǐ sū zǐ), tangerine peel (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, 陈皮chén pí), dried ginger (Zingiberis Rhizoma, 干姜gān jiāng), and gleditsia (Gleditsiae Fructus, 皂荚zào jiá).
Phlegm-transforming medicinals that are cool in nature and indicated for heat phlegm and dryness phlegm include rorippa (Rorippae Herba seu Flos, 蔊菜hān cài), lepidium/descurainiae (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen, 葶苈子tíng lì zǐ), fritillaria (Fritillariae Bulbus, 贝母bèi mǔ), trichosanthes (Trichosanthis Fructus, 栝楼guā lóu), arctium (Arctii Fructus, 牛蒡子niú bàng zǐ), wax gourd seed (Benincasae Semen, 冬瓜子dōng guā zǐ), and adenophora/glehnia (Adenophorae seu Glehniae Radix, 沙参shā shēn).
Medicinals more balanced in nature such as platycodon (Platycodonis Radix, 桔梗jié gěng), apricot kernel (Armeniacae Semen, 杏仁xìng rén), peucedanum (Peucedani Radix, 前胡qián hú), aster (Asteris Radix, 紫菀zǐ wǎn), and coltsfoot (Farfarae Flos, 款冬花kuǎn dōng huā) can be used for most kinds of phlegm.
Among formulas, Minor Black Dragon Decoction (小青龙汤xiǎo qīng lóng tāng) treats cold phlegm, and Two Matured Ingredients Decoction (二陈汤èr chén tāng) is effective for damp phlegm. Lonicera and Phragmites Mixture (银苇合剂yín wěi hé jì) may be used for heat phlegm, and Dryness-Clearing Lung-Rescuing Decoction (清燥救肺汤qīng zào jiù fèi tāng) treats dryness phlegm. Cough-Stopping Powder (止嗽散zhǐ sòu sǎn) is a general phlegm-transforming cough-relieving remedy.
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment LU, SP, and ST. Select BL-13 (Lung Transport, 肺俞 fèi shù), LU-9 (Great Abyss, 太渊 tài yuān), SP-3 (Supreme White, 太白 tài bái), CV-17 (Chest Center, 膻中 shān zhōng), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), ST-40 (Bountiful Bulge, 丰隆 fēng lóng), and LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ); needle with drainage.