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Dispersing food and transforming phlegm
消食化痰 〔消食化痰〕xiāo shí huà tán
A method of treatment used to eliminate phlegm and food stagnation. The method of dispersing food and transforming phlegm is used to treat replete qì and exuberant phlegm causing cough and qì counterflow, oppression in the chest and copious phlegm, indigestion, distension and oppression in the stomach duct and abdomen, a slimy tongue, and a slippery pulse, as is often observed in elderly patients.
Medicinal therapy: Two commonly used food-dispersing phlegm-transforming formulas
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on ST and CV. Select ST-25 (Celestial Pivot, 天枢 tiān shū), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), Lǐ Inner Court (