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Yīn vacuity headache

阴虚头痛 〔陰虛頭痛〕yīn xū tóu tòng

Headache caused by yīn vacuity stirring fire. Yīn vacuity headache is accompanied by heat vexation, red face and upbearing fire flush, insomnia, red tongue, and a fine stringlike rapid pulse.

Medicinal therapy: Enrich yīn and downbear fire with Anemarrhena and Phellodendron Eight-Ingredient Pill (知柏八味丸 zhī bǎi bā wèi wán) or Jade Lady Brew (玉女煎 yù nǚ jiān). If effulgent fire signs are not pronounced, use Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill (六味地黄丸 liù wèi dì huáng wán), Four Agents Decoction (四物汤 sì wù tāng), or Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin] Pill (左归丸 zuǒ guī wán).

Acumoxatherapy: For yīn vacuity with stirring fire, base treatment mainly on back transport points, KI, and HT. Supplement GV-20 (Hundred Convergences, 百会 bǎi huì), BL-2 (Bamboo Gathering, 攒竹 zǎn zhú), Fish’s Lumbus (鱼腰 yú yāo), SP-6 (Three Yīn Intersection, 三阴交 sān yīn jiāo), BL-23 (Kidney Transport, 肾俞 shèn shù), BL-18 (Liver Transport, 肝俞 gān shù), and KI-3 (Great Ravine, 太溪 tài xī); drain KI-2 (Blazing Valley, 然谷 rán gǔ), HT-7 (Spirit Gate, 神门 shén mén), and HT-8 (Lesser Mansion, 少府 shào fǔ). For yīn vacuity without effulgent fire, use the same formula as above, but remove KI-2 (Blazing Valley, 然谷 rán gǔ), HT-7 (Spirit Gate, 神门 shén mén), and HT-8 (Lesser Mansion, 少府 shào fǔ), and add BL-20 (Spleen Transport, 脾俞 pí shù), BL-17 (Diaphragm Transport, 膈俞 gé shù), and ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), needling with supplementation.

Point selection according to affected area, see headache.

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