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Dispelling cold and transforming phlegm
祛寒化痰 〔袪寒化痰〕qū hán huà tán
A method of treatment used to address cold phlegm arising from spleen-stomach yáng vacuity and internal collection of cold rheum characterized by ejection of thin clear phlegm, aversion to cold, lack of warmth in the extremities, and a slimy tongue fur.
Medicinal therapy: Cold-dispelling phlegm-transforming medicinals include cinnamon twig (Cinnamomi Ramulus,
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on CV, ST, and LI. Select
Comparison: The emphasis of this method is on addressing cold phlegm arising from spleen-stomach yáng vacuity; warming the lung and transforming rheum is a similar method but its emphasis on addressing cold rheum lying latent in the lung. Dispersing cold and transforming phlegm would appear to be synonymous with dispelling cold and transforming phlegm, but is in fact a distinct method used to eliminate external cold with phlegm (see diffusing the lung and transforming phlegm).
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