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Dispelling cold and transforming phlegm

祛寒化痰 〔袪寒化痰〕qū hán huà tán

A method of treatment used to address cold phlegm arising from spleen-stomach yáng vacuity and internal collection of cold rheum characterized by ejection of thin clear phlegm, aversion to cold, lack of warmth in the extremities, and a slimy tongue fur.

Medicinal therapy: Cold-dispelling phlegm-transforming medicinals include cinnamon twig (Cinnamomi Ramulus, 桂枝 guì zhī), poria (Poria, 茯苓 fú líng), dried ginger (Zingiberis Rhizoma, 干姜 gān jiāng), pinellia (Pinelliae Rhizoma, 半夏 bàn xià), and red tangerine peel (Citri Reticulatae Exocarpium Rubrum, 橘红 jú hóng). Formulas include Center-Rectifying Phlegm-Transforming Pill (理中化痰丸 lǐ zhōng huà tán wán) and Cold Wheezing Pill (冷哮丸 lěng xiāo wán).

Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on CV, ST, and LI. Select CV-12 (Center Stomach Duct, 中脘 zhōng wǎn), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), ST-40 (Bountiful Bulge, 丰隆 fēng lóng), CV-6 (Sea of Qì, 气海 qì hǎi), LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ), and ST-25 (Celestial Pivot, 天枢 tiān shū), needling with even supplementation and drainage and large amounts of moxa.

Comparison: The emphasis of this method is on addressing cold phlegm arising from spleen-stomach yáng vacuity; warming the lung and transforming rheum is a similar method but its emphasis on addressing cold rheum lying latent in the lung. Dispersing cold and transforming phlegm would appear to be synonymous with dispelling cold and transforming phlegm, but is in fact a distinct method used to eliminate external cold with phlegm (see diffusing the lung and transforming phlegm).

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