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Diffusing the lung and transforming phlegm

宣肺化痰 〔宣肺化痰〕xuān fèi huà tán

Also diffusing the lung and dispelling phlegm; dispersing cold and transforming phlegm. A method of treatment used to restore lung qì diffusion and eliminate phlegm from the lung. The method of diffusing the lung and transforming phlegm is used to treat externally contracted wind-cold causing nondiffusion of lung qì with nasal congestion, itchy throat, cough with copious phlegm, and thin white tongue fur.

Medicinal therapy: Lung-diffusing phlegm-transforming medicinals include ephedra (Ephedrae Herba, 麻黄 má huáng), platycodon (Platycodonis Radix, 桔梗 jié gěng), apricot kernel (Armeniacae Semen, 杏仁 xìng rén), cicada molting (Cicadae Periostracum, 蝉蜕 chán tuì), magnolia flower (Magnoliae Flos, 辛夷 xīn yí), tangerine peel (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, 陈皮 chén pí), and licorice (Glycyrrhizae Radix, 甘草 gān cǎo). Formulas include Cough-Stopping Powder (止嗽散 zhǐ sòu sǎn) and Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder (杏苏散 xìng sū sǎn).

Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on LU, LI, and ST. Select LU-7 (Broken Sequence, 列缺 liè quē), BL-13 (Lung Transport, 肺俞 fèi shù), LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ), and ST-40 (Bountiful Bulge, 丰隆 fēng lóng). Needle with drainage.

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