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Yīn vacuity with effulgent fire
阴虚火旺 〔陰虛火旺〕yīn xū huǒ wàng
Also exuberant yīn vacuity fire. A strong fire that arises from yīn vacuity according to the principle that when yīn is vacuous, heat develops internally. Effulgent yīn vacuity fire is characterized by vexation, agitation, and irascibility, reddening of the cheeks, dry mouth and sore throat, and excessive libido.
Acumoxatherapy: Needle with supplementation at BL-23 (Kidney Transport, 肾俞 shèn shù), KI-3 (Great Ravine, 太溪 tài xī), and SP-6 (Three Yīn Intersection, 三阴交 sān yīn jiāo), and with drainage at KI-6 (Shining Sea, 照海 zhào hǎi), KI-2 (Blazing Valley, 然谷 rán gǔ), BL-17 (Diaphragm Transport, 膈俞 gé shù), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), ST-44 (Inner Court, 内庭 nèi tíng), and HT-7 (Spirit Gate, 神门 shén mén). If there is effulgent fire, prick HT-8 (Lesser Mansion, 少府 shào fǔ) to bleed. Compare