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GV-15 Mute's Gate

哑门 〔啞門〕yǎ mén

Alternate names: 横舌 héng shé, Opposite the Tongue; 舌根 shé gēn, Tongue Root; 舌横 shé héng, Tongue's Horizontal; 舌厌 shé yàn, Tongue Repression; 舌肿 shé zhǒng, Swollen Tongue; 厌舌 yàn shé, Repressed Tongue; 瘖门 yīn mén, Loss-of-Voice Gate

Channel: GV, Governing () Vessel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the posterior aspect of the neck, 0.5 cùn above the posterior hairline and 0.5 cùn below GV-16, on the midline.

Classic location: In the depression at the center of the back of the neck, five fēn within the hairline. The point is found with the head lifted. (Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng)

Local anatomy: The branches of the occipital artery and vein. The third occipital nerve.

Action: Disinhibits the joints; frees the orifices and network vessels; clears the spirit-mind.

Modern indications: Fulminant loss of voice; stiff tongue preventing speech (wind stroke); mania and withdrawal; epilepsy; headache and stiff nape.

Classic indications: Sluggish tongue with loss of speech; dizziness; tugging and slackening; deathlike reversal; large scrofula; phlegm nodes; wind stroke.

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.4‒0.5 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: pole 3‒5 min.

Needle sensation: Localized distension and heaviness. If inserted deeply into the spinal column, there will be a sensation of electric shock extending to the limbs when the spinal cord is reached.

Warning: Deep insertion and direct moxibustion contraindicated.

Point groups: One of the nine needles for returning yáng; intersection point (jiāo huì xué) of the governing and yáng linking vessel (yáng wéi mài)s.

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