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Warming the blood
温血 〔溫血〕wēn xuè
A method of treatment used to address cold in the blood aspect. It includes warming and nourishing the blood aspect and warming and transforming static blood.
1. Warming and nourishing the blood aspect (温养血分 wēn yǎng xuè fèn): To treat flooding and spotting in females and blood ejection in males, with pale tongue, forceless vacuous pulse, and pale lusterless nails.
Medicinal therapy: Use formulas such as
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on back transport points, SP, ST, and LR. Select
2. Warming and transforming static blood (温化瘀血 wēn huà yū xuè): To treat cold-induced static blood manifesting in amenorrhea or menstrual irregularities with dull pale menstrual flow, purple speckles on the tongue, and a tight sunken pulse.
Medicinal therapy: Agents that warm and transform static blood include Chinese angelica (Angelicae Sinensis Radix,
Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on LR and SP. Select
See dispelling stasis and quickening the blood. See also menstrual irregularities; menstrual pain.
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