Also phlegm collecting in the chest and rib-side. Phlegm lodged in the chest and rib-side is composed of stubborn phlegm and accumulated rheum that form a soft mass called an afflux pouch. Phlegm lodged in the chest and rib-side is characterized by pain in the chest and rib-side exacerbated by coughing, panting, and turning over in bed, There is rapid breathing and expectoration of white phlegm and drool. There may also be fullness and distension in the chest and rib-side, swelling of the face, and a stringlike sunken pulse.
Medicinal therapy: Transform rheum and expel phlegm. Commonly used rheum-transforming agents include ephedra (Ephedrae Herba, 麻黄má huáng), cinnamon twig (Cinnamomi Ramulus, 桂枝guì zhī), asarum (Asari Rhizoma et Radix, 细辛xì xīn), dried ginger (Zingiberis Rhizoma, 干姜gān jiāng), aconite (Aconiti Radix Lateralis Praeparata, 附子fù zǐ), and white mustard (Sinapis Alba Semen, 白芥子bái jiè zǐ). Phlegm-expelling medicinals include lepidium/descurainiae (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen, 葶苈子tíng lì zǐ), kansui (Kansui Radix, 甘遂gān suì), euphorbia/knoxia (Euphorbiae seu Knoxiae Radix, 大戟dà jǐ), and morning glory (Pharbitidis Semen, 牵牛子qiān niú zǐ). A commonly used formula is Minor Black Dragon Decoction (小青龙汤xiǎo qīng lóng tāng), which can be combined with Lepidium/Descurainiae and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction (葶苈大枣泻肺汤tíng lì dà zǎo xiè fèi tāng) or Drool-Controlling Elixir (控涎丹kòng xián dān).