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Food damage headache

伤食头痛 〔傷食頭痛〕shāng shí tóu tòng

Headache attributed to food stagnating in the stomach. Food damage headache is attended by glomus and fullness in the chest and diaphragm, putrid belching, acid swallowing, aversion to food, and a slippery replete pulse. In some cases, there may be generalized heat. See headache.

Medicinal therapy: Disperse food and abduct stagnation using formulas such as Costusroot, Amomum, Unripe Bitter Orange, and White Atractylodes Pill (香砂枳朮丸 xiāng shā zhǐ zhú wán), Center-Ordering Decoction (治中汤 zhì zhōng tāng), or Harmony-Preserving Pill (保和丸 bǎo hé wán) and variations.

Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on ST and LI. Select ST-8 (Head Corner, 头维 tóu wéi), Greater yáng (tài yáng) (太阳 tài yáng), CV-12 (Center Stomach Duct, 中脘 zhōng wǎn), PC-6 (Inner Pass, 内关 nèi guān), ST-25 (Celestial Pivot, 天枢 tiān shū), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ), and Lǐ Inner Court (里内庭 lǐ nèi tíng) and needle with drainage. For selection of points according to affected area, see headache.

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