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SP-4 Yellow Emperor

公孙 〔公孫〕gōng sūn

Channel: SP, Foot Greater Yīn (tài yīn) Spleen Channel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the medial aspect of the foot, distal to the base and inferior to the shaft of the first metatarsal bone.

Classic location: One cùn behind the base joint of the great toe. (Zhēn Jiǔ Jiǎ Yǐ Jīng)

Local anatomy: The medial tarsal artery and the dorsal venous network of the foot. The saphenous nerve and the branch of the superficial peroneal nerve.

Action: Supplements the spleen and stomach; rectifies qì dynamic; regulates the sea of blood; harmonizes the thoroughfare (chōng) vessel.

Modern indications: Stomach pain; retching and vomiting; abdominal pain; diarrhea; dysentery.

Classic indications: malarial disease with no desire for food and drink; heat effusion with aversion to cold with sweating; retching; rumbling intestines with pain on pressure; heart vexation; manic disease; drum distension; sudden turmoil (cholera); cold spleen; nontransformation of grain and water (undigested food in the stool); heat or pain in the soles of the feet; epilepsy

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.0 cùn oblique or perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 3 cones; pole 3‒5 min.

Needle sensation: Localized twinge and pain.

Point groups: Network point (luò xué); confluence point (bā mài jiāo huì xué) of the thoroughfare vessel.

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