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Brain wind

脑风 〔腦風〕nǎo fēng

A disease similar to head wind, attributed to wind evil entering the brain, and characterized by aversion to cold on the nape and neck and extreme cold of GV-17 (Brain’s Door, 脑户 nǎo hù) area with unbearable pain.

Medicinal therapy: Warm and disperse using formulas such as Chinese Angelica Counterflow Cold Decoction (当归四逆汤 dāng guī sì nì tāng).

Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on points of the three yáng channel, GV and LU. Select GB-20 (Wind Pool, 风池 fēng chí), GV-20 (Hundred Convergences, 百会 bǎi huì), GV-22 (Fontanel Meeting, 囟会 xìn huì), Greater yáng (tài yáng) (太阳 tài yáng), GV-23 (Upper Star, 上星 shàng xīng), LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ), LU-7 (Broken Sequence, 列缺 liè quē), and SI-3 (Back Ravine, 后溪 hòu xī). Needle with drainage, and use large amounts of moxa.

See headache; head wind.

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