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Harmonizing the stomach and transforming phlegm

和胃化痰 〔和胃化痰〕hé wèi huà tán

A method of treatment used to address cough with copious phlegm, oppression in the chest, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, and heart palpitation.

Medicinal therapy: Use phlegm-transforming medicinals such as pinellia (Pinelliae Rhizoma, 半夏 bàn xià), tangerine peel (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, 陈皮 chén pí), and poria (Poria, 茯苓 fú líng). Damp turbidity harassing the upper body, characterized by dizziness and headache, is treated with white atractylodes (Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, 白朮 bái zhú) and gastrodia (Gastrodiae Rhizoma, 天麻 tiān má). When manifesting as insomnia and heart palpitation, unripe bitter orange (Aurantii Fructus Immaturus, 枳实 zhǐ shí) and bamboo shavings (Bambusae Caulis in Taenia, 竹茹zhú rú) are often added. A representative formula is Two Matured Ingredients Decoction (二陈汤 èr chén tāng).

Acumoxatherapy: Base treatment mainly on LU, ST, CV, and back transport points. Select BL-13 (Lung Transport, 肺俞 fèi shù), LU-9 (Great Abyss, 太渊 tài yuān), LI-4 (Union Valley, 合谷 hé gǔ), ST-36 (Leg Three Lǐ, 足三里 zú sān lǐ), CV-12 (Center Stomach Duct, 中脘 zhōng wǎn), BL-20 (Spleen Transport, 脾俞 pí shù), BL-21 (Stomach Transport, 胃俞 wèi shù) and ST-40 (Bountiful Bulge, 丰隆 fēng lóng). Needle with even supplementation and drainage.

See drying dampness and transforming phlegm.

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