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ST-4 Earth Granary

地仓 〔地倉〕dì cāng

Alternate names: 鬼床 guǐ chuáng, Ghost Bed; 会维 huì wéi, Linking Confluence; 胃维 wèi wéi, Stomach Link

Channel: ST, Foot Yáng Brightness (yáng míng) Stomach Channel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the face, on a vertical line with ST-1 (chéng qì), ST-2 (sì bái), and ST-3 (jù liáo), level with the corner of the mouth.

Classic location: Below Great Bone-hole (ST-3), a little more than four fēn out from the corner of the mouth. A pulsating vessel can be faintly felt close below. (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)

Local anatomy: The facial artery and vein. Superficially the branches of the facial and infraorbital nerves; deeper, the terminal branch of the buccal nerve.

Action: Dispels wind; frees qì stagnation.

Modern indications: Deviated mouth; drooling; twitching of the eyelids.

Classic indications: Loss of speech; loss of voice; fecal stoppage in children; inability to close the eyes; inability to eat.

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.0 cùn oblique insertion towards ST-6. Moxa: 3‒7 cones; pole 5 min.

Needle sensation: Localized twinge and distension.

Point groups: Intersection point (jiāo huì xué) of the hand and foot yáng brightness (yáng míng) channels (LI and ST) and the yáng springing vessel (yáng qiāo mài).

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