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CV-9 Water Divide

水分 〔水分〕shuǐ fēn

Alternate names: 分水 fēn shuǐ, Divided Waters; 中守 zhōng shǒu, Central Guard

Channel: CV, Controlling (rèn) Vessel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the upper abdomen, 1 cùn superior to the umbilicus on the midline.

Classic location: Directly above Spirit Gate (CV-8), one cùn above the navel. (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)

Local anatomy: See CV-8.

Action: Moves spleen-earth and disinhibits water-damp.

Modern indications: Abdominal pain; diarrhea; prolapse of the rectum; water swelling; vacuity desertion.

Classic indications: Stomach reflux food vomiting; throughflux diarrhea (dòng xiè); tetany; cholera cramps; prolapse of the rectum; inhibited defecation and urination; nonclosure of the fontanels.

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒1.0 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 5‒7 cones; pole 10‒20 min.

Warning: In older texts, needling of this point is contraindicated in cases of swelling and distension (use moxa).

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