From Plain Questions (素问 sù wèn, zhì zhēn yào dà lùn). A method of paradoxical treatment used to treat true internal cold and false external heat. In such cases, cold is the true nature of disease, and heat is false. Hence, treatment involves the use of warm and hot medicines. An example is when a patient presents counterflow cold of limbs, clear-grain diarrhea, a deep fine pulse, and floating-red cheeks, vexation and agitation, and thirst with desire for cold drinks that is immediately allayed by drinking). The counterflow cold clear-grain diarrhea, and deep fine pulse are signs of true heat; the floating-red cheeks, vexation and agitation, and thirst with desire for cold drinks are signs of false cold. The condition is treated with Scallion Yáng-Freeing Decoction (白通汤bái tōng tāng) taken cold. In the Plain Questions (素问 sù wèn, zhì zhēn yào dà lùn), the term was originally written as treating cold with heat, but was changed by later writers to align with treating the stopped by stopping and freeing the free by freeing.