A condition that results from sudden violent flights of anger, sprains, or irregular eating and that is characterized by stabbing pain in the chest and rib-side accompanied by lack of strength in the limbs, dribbling urination, bloody stool or a pulse sunken, scallion-stalk, rough, bound, or skipping and scallion-stalk.
Medicinal therapy: Harmonize the blood and resolve depression with Blood Depression Decoction (血郁汤xuè yù tāng), Four Agents Depression-Transforming Decoction (四物化郁汤sì wù huà yù tāng) or Toosendan Powder (金铃子散jīn líng zǐ sǎn) with the judicious addition of peach kernel (Persicae Semen, 桃仁táo rén), Chinese angelica tails (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Extremitas, 当归尾dāng guī wěi), curcuma (Curcumae Radix, 郁金yù jīn), and dalbergia (Dalbergiae Odiferae Lignum, 降真香jiàng zhēn xiāng).