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Drying dampness with warmth and bitterness

苦温燥湿 〔苦溫燥濕〕kǔ wēn zào shī

A method of treatment used to eliminate cold-damp with bitter warm medicinals. Drying dampness with warmth and bitterness is used to treat cold-damp patterns characterized by signs such as oppression in the chest, nausea, retching and vomiting, abdominal distension, thin clear stool, and white slimy tongue.

Medicinal therapy: Commonly used warm bitter dampness-drying medicinals include officinal magnolia bark (Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex, 厚朴 hòu pò), atractylodes (Atractylodis Rhizoma, 苍朮 cāng zhú), pinellia (Pinelliae Rhizoma, 半夏 bàn xià), and cardamom (Amomi Fructus Rotundus, 白豆蔻 bái dòu kòu). Formulas include Stomach-Calming Powder (平胃散 píng wèi sǎn) and Priceless Qì-Righting Powder (不换金正气散 bù huàn jīn zhèng qì sǎn).

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