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GV-4 Life Gate

命门 〔命門〕mìng mén

Alternate names: 精宫 jīng gōng, Palace of Essence; 属累 shǔ lèi, Connected; 竹杖 zhú zhàng, Bamboo Stick

Channel: GV, Governing () Vessel

Modern location: An acupoint located on the lower back, inferior to the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra.

Classic location: Below the fourteenth vertebra. (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn)

Local anatomy: See GV-3.

Action: Banks the origin and supplements the kidney; secures essence and checks vaginal discharge; soothes the sinews and harmonizes the blood; courses the channels and regulates qì.

Modern indications: Impotence; seminal emission; vaginal discharge; menstrual irregularities; diarrhea; stiffness in the lumbar spine.

Classic indications: Headache; tinnitus; heat effusion with aversion to cold with absence of sweating; lumbar and abdominal pain; malarial disease; epilepsy in children; tugging and slackening; intestinal mounting (shàn) pain; red and white vaginal discharge; profuse flooding and spotting; white turbidity; intestinal wind bleeding; inhibited urination; bleeding hemorrhoids and fistulas; prolapse of the rectum; no food intake.

Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.5‒0.8 cùn sideways and upward oblique insertion. Moxa: 3‒15 cones; pole 20‒30 min.

Warning: Moxa contraindicated for patients less than 20 years of age.

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