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Hand greater yīn (tài yīn) lung channel

手太阴肺经 〔手太陰肺經〕shǒu tài yīn fèi jīng

Abbreviation: LU. One of the twelve channels.


LR → LU → LI; homes to the lung; nets the large intestine.

Lung Channel Pathway



The hand greater yīn (tài yīn) lung channel starts in the region of the stomach in the center burner and descends to net the large intestine. It then returns upward through the pylorus and cardia, passes through the diaphragm, and homes to the lung. Continuing its upward path, it passes through the respiratory tract into the throat and veers downward and outward into the axilla to surface on the superolateral aspect of the chest at LU-1 (zhōng fǔ, Central Treasury).

From here, the external pathway descends the anterior aspect of the upper arm, lateral to the heart and pericardium channels, traverses the cubital fossa, and continues along the anterior aspect of the forearm to the radial styloid process of the wrist. It traverses the radial pulse and the thenar eminence to finally travel along the radial side of the thumb to its tip (L-11, shào shāng, Lesser Shāng).

A branch leaves the main pathway proximal to the wrist, passes round to the dorsum of the hand, and finally runs down the inner face of the index finger to its tip at LI-1 (shāng yáng, Shāng Yáng), where it meets the yáng brightness (yáng míng) large intestine channel.


Lung Channel Acupoints

Indications of LU Acupoints

The 11 points on the hand greater yīn (tài yīn) lung channel treat conditions of the lung, throat, chest, shoulder, backand are as on the pathway of the channel.

Major LU Acupoints

LU-1 (中府 zhōng fǔ, Central Treasury): Located on the chest, at the level of the first intercostal space, inferior to the lateral extremity of the clavicle, 6 cùn lateral to the anterior midline (i.e., the controlling vessel).

Indications for LU Points
  • Cough, panting: LU 1 though 10
  • Coughing of blood: LU 5, 9, 10
  • Pain or fullness in the chest: LU 1, 2, 5, 8, 9
  • Painful swollen throat: LU 5 through 11
  • Toothache: LU 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11
  • Nosebleed: LU 11
  • Tidal heat: LU 5
  • Heat effusion: 10, 11
  • Goiter: LU 3
  • Clouded spirit, mania and withdrawal: LU 11
  • Deviated eyes and mouth, clenched jaw, headache and stiff nape: LU 7

LU-5 (尺泽 chǐ zé, Cubit Marsh): Located at the bend of the elbow on the cubital crease in the depression on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.

LU-6 (孔最 kǒng zuì, Collection Hole): Located on the palmar aspect of the forearm, 5 cùn distal to the cubital crease, on the line connecting LU-5 (chǐ zé) and LU-9 (tài yuān).

LU-7 (列缺 liè quē, Broken Sequence): Located 1.5 cùn proximal to the wrist in a crevice on the lateral edge of the radius just proximal to the styloid process.

LU-9 (太渊 tài yuān, Great Abyss): Located on the palmar aspect of the wrist, in the depression at the radial end of the wrist crease, between the radial artery and the abductor pollicis longus tendon.

LU-10 (鱼际 yú jì, Fish Border): Located on the thenar eminence, midway along the radial edge of the first metacarpal bone, at the border of the red and white flesh.

LU-11 (少商 shào shāng, Lesser Shāng): Located a little more than 1 fēn below the base of the nail on the radial side of the thumb.

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