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TB-6 Branch Ditch
支沟 〔支溝〕zhī gōu
Alternate names: 飞虎 fēi hǔ, Flying Tiger
Channel: TB, Hand Lesser Yáng (shào yáng) Triple Burner Channel
Modern location: An acupoint located on the posterior aspect of the forearm, 3 cùn proximal to the wrist, midway between the radius and the ulna.
Classic location: On the outer face of the arm, three cùn back from the wrist, in the depression between the two bones. (Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng)
Local anatomy: See TB-5.
Action: Clears the triple burner; frees bowel qì; downbears counterflow and fire.
Modern indications: Tinnitus; deafness;
Classic indications: Painful or red eyes; postpartum blood dizziness; cough; hot face;
Needle stimulus: Needling: 0.7‒1.0 cùn perpendicular insertion. Moxa: 3‒5 cones; pole 5‒15 min.
Needle sensation: Distension and numbness that can spread down to the fingers or up to the elbow and shoulder.
Point groups: River (jīng) (fire) point.
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