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Repletion complicated by vacuity

实中夹虚 〔實中夾虛〕shí zhōng jiā shí

Repletion giving rise to a secondary pattern of vacuity when the evil qì damages right qì. In externally contracted febrile disease, this is observed when repletion heat causes damage liquid or damage to both qì and yīn. When heat evil is intense and causes high fever, sweating, constipation, a red tongue, and rapid pulse, this is a repletion heat pattern. If signs include a dry tongue, thirst with intake of fluid, and short voidings of reddish urine, this means there is damage to liquid. If the patient further displays shortness of breath or panting and lack of strength, they are suffering from damage to qì and yīn. In miscellaneous disease, repletion complicated by vacuity is observed when stagnant qì and static blood bind in the abdomen to form hard concretions or accumulations and at the same damage right qì and causes gradual emaciation.

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