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Attack followed by supplementation

先攻后补 〔先攻後補〕xiān gōng hòu bǔ

The principle of destroying evil (attack) before any vacuity is supplemented. The principle of attack followed by supplementation is applied when an extremely strong evil urgently needs to be dispelled, and right qì, though markedly weakened, can still withstand attack, especially where the weakness of right qì is attributable to the evil. This principle may apply in the treatment of gastrointestinal heat bind, and other externally contracted febrile diseases characterized by constipation and painful fullness in the abdomen. Such conditions may be treated with Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤 dà chéng qì tāng) even though yīn may have been damaged; indeed, failure to precipitate the heat bind would cause further damage to yīn.

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